funny how things end up
Posted 4:52 PM | Sunday, September 10, 2006

its funny how good friends can end up this way
its funny how things haf changed
its funny how things in JC are so diff
its funny how everyone wans things to turn back to wad it was
sometimes i regret doin wad i did
sometimes im happy tt i did wad i did

okays..enough of emotions..
wads done is done..
darn..i haf my piano exams on e 27/9..buck up shu ning,buck up!!

some random pics..

taken on CNY 2006..

arent these kids adorable=)

somemore random pics..

tts all folks=)

shall go pinch some=)wheeee!!=)

shuning.ELIZABETH. 20. 09051989. LOVES GOD. jyps. shss. tpjc. HOPE CHURCH. YJCEA2 cg. NUSB3 cg. NUSB1 cg. SIM cg. double degree in psycho and biz ad. standardchartered.