shuning is gonna be a BANKER!! (:
Posted 12:04 PM | Sunday, November 26, 2006
finally im blogging again..
went to work from tues to a clinic in city hall..
my uncle's friend's clinic...
its called
THE MEDICAL PRACTICEi had to get the medicine and give it to the patients after the doctor pescribes it..and filing..blahblah..
was kinda fun and enriching..
the medicines more frequently pescribed are medicine like:
dhasedyl (cough syrup)-
dunno whether correct spelling anot(:fedac co (syrup for flu)
MAC lozenges-
these tastes so much nicer than the normal orange and powdery lozenges that other doctors pescribe (:zytrec d-
forgot what these are for la..still got alot more!!!(:
alamak..dunno how they remember all these medicine
oh man oh man..i have a sudden urge to become a doctor..
but NAH..must study v hard..and im too lazy..
so i have officially decided
shuning is gonna be a
bankers earn lots and lots and lots of money..
the clinic is specially for bankers and employees frm hotels who have the benefits where they have free medical services--
of course the hotels and banks pay for them la!!these ppl are freakin rich..
they come for botox,IPL and so many come for slimming pills..
there are some whom i heard..
have their own chaffeurs!!well..u get my drift right?
they are jus RICH..
and i wanna be like them..
well,if this doesnt work out..
then i shall marry a RICH HUSBAND..-i can dream,cant i?oh yes..there was one patient who came for some beauty treatment..
and when we gave her the receipt..
you know what she said?
shes gonna claim from her husband.. many husbands are soooo nice to pay to make their wives pretty..
very few are like that..
enough dreaming..its back to reality..
anyways im gonna work hard to be a BANKER
then i will become a TEACHER after earning enough..(maybe at least 5 million)
after that,i will be a KINDERGARDEN TEACHER..looking after lil dream job(:
heres a look at my lunch for these3 days(: first day: MACDONALDS with him second day: SAKAE with him third day: GENKI with uncle,sis,cousin and doctor
(: nice food right?wheeeeeeeeeeeee(: anyways the pay is $8 per hour
so much homework to do..subjects to catch up is not gonna let me out..sad..
ANYWAYS, went jogging with mum jus now..talked abt alot of stuff..even gossiping(: I LOVE YOU MUMMY!!
i believe in a love so true..