Posted 10:37 PM | Thursday, October 30, 2008

oooh.look what mama put in one of e face book pics,e one with all e purple ladies.
look at her tagging......
In this photo: 白雪公主, Liu Xiuwen (photos), 嘟嘟嘴, 大鬼头, Niki Koh (photos), 大美人, Valerie Chan (photos), Bell Goh (photos), 小甜甜 (叫爽), 小可爱, 朦查查, Shu Ning Lim (photos | remove tag), 花姐, Faridah Bte Mohd Hassan (photos)


that was sooo random.
i miss SCB life =(
the times when everyone there doted on me.
the times when we laughed.
the times when we cried.
the toilet breaks.
the conferences.
the times singing and teasing da gege.
the stupid stuff i did that made em laugh.
i miss ALL OF YOU AT SCB=)
every every single memory!=)

wheeeee.halloween party at nic's tmr.
and econs project.
and cg lunch.
and MAYB psych project.
quizzes after quizzes.

*sings: im going crazyyyyyyyy*
but i'll still carry a smile
bcos i know God will bring me thru all these.
and all e wonderful frens.and bros and sis.

jiayou everyone.


shuning.ELIZABETH. 20. 09051989. LOVES GOD. jyps. shss. tpjc. HOPE CHURCH. YJCEA2 cg. NUSB3 cg. NUSB1 cg. SIM cg. double degree in psycho and biz ad. standardchartered.