phy lesson tooday..
Posted 7:50 AM | Wednesday, June 08, 2005

today had phy..was kinda scared..cos was e only one who did all e hmwk n was sittin down..if he check then haf sth wrong then i die heart was like jumpin outta its place n i was shakin..but..whew..its over..muahaha..then i returned to my seat to sit down while e others stood..wah..if at least got other ppl also finish, not tt scared leh..but..was e only damn scared lor..but im glad its over..

haiz..i realise i still miss him..was thinkin abt him during phy..haiz..thinkin abt e days we used to talk..abt wadeva happened in e past..was thinkin abt him even when LKS was scoldin e rest..haiz..y is this all happenin?..issit cos GOD noes tt im not treasurin him n wans to take him away frm sorry for always bullyin really sorry..cant we haf e frenship we used to haf? really missin ya..i really do..y wun u talk to to me also dun seem like last time..5WL..y?..haiz..i really regret takin u for granted..i guess its my just desserts..haiz..i even 'rejected' 2guys bcos of u..y ??wun u even talk to me like u used to..

on fell n now has to put a cast..then i mus do things for him..but its partly my fault..if i din wanna go to pasir ris..he wudnt haf wanted to go down e slope..he jus learnt blading..haiz..he almost fainted n i was so scared..i was wishin tt "U" wud appear beside me n tell me its alright n help me..but..i guess it only happens in my dreams..forget it ba..i really jus hope tt u wud talk to me like u USED TO..haiz..

*u r always on my mind*
**thiNKing oF u**


shuning.ELIZABETH. 20. 09051989. LOVES GOD. jyps. shss. tpjc. HOPE CHURCH. YJCEA2 cg. NUSB3 cg. NUSB1 cg. SIM cg. double degree in psycho and biz ad. standardchartered.