maria's bdae
Posted 12:50 AM | Thursday, February 23, 2006

today went to maria's bdae fun..we bbq-ed..ok..i mean grilled..haha..then there were alot of many cute guys..OMG..they were all v nice too..haha..
then we pushed maria down into e pool..(twice)
haha..then steffi n jeremiah "wrestled"..then both fell into e pool..sooo funny..she was not happy cos she was wearing her fav bra..
then rach n maria went in too..then they attempted to wet all of us..
in e end..they pulled me into e pool..but was stopped by e only my shorts were wet..woohoo..haha..i love e security guard..if not for him..i would be wet..hehe
then there was this really cute guy..i dunno wads his name..hes really really cute..haha..

then ytd..went to buy maria's present and watch pink was a v v funny show..i encourage all to watch it..haha..
hey..andrew put on his blog tt i bought pad...ARGH!!!!..omg..haha..andrew milner..u will get it frm me!!haha

shuning.ELIZABETH. 20. 09051989. LOVES GOD. jyps. shss. tpjc. HOPE CHURCH. YJCEA2 cg. NUSB3 cg. NUSB1 cg. SIM cg. double degree in psycho and biz ad. standardchartered.